Faith Ministries, Inc.: USA Located in Greenville, South Carolina, Faith Ministries was established in 1978 by veteran missionary to Japan and Korea, Dr. Gerald Johnson. It wasn't until Dr. and Mrs. Johnson (pictured to the left, top) retired from full time missionary work and returned to the US in 1997, that Faith Ministries began fulfilling in earnest the purpose for which it had been established. Faith Ministries distributes Gospel tracts, brochures focusing on Christian life and Biblical issues, and correspondence courses. At the home-going of her husband in 2007, Mrs. Miriam Johnson, along with her grandson Steven Crittenden, began operating the ministry. In 2011, the leadership was transferred to Keith Ekberg. He and his wife Becky faithfully served together until September 2023, when Keith went home to be with the Lord. In January 2024, Doug Threlfall became director. His wife, Barbara, is the daughter of Gerald Johnson. Becky Ekberg still serves as office manager. |
Brian and Erin Bollon: Taiwan
Before marriage, the Lord had given to both Brian and Erin a burden for missions. That burden opened up short-term ministries, Brian in South Korea and Erin in Papua New Guinea. After completing degrees at Bob Jones University and after more than five years of traveling to raise prayer and financial support in the US, the Bollons arrived on the field, August 20, 2015. Having gotten a foundation in the language, they are now planting a church. Brian and Erin have five children: Bella, Emmett, Arthur, Owen, and Walter. |
Dr. Hye Ree Park: Bibles International
Dr. Park is a Bible translation consultant with Bibles International (BI), the Bible society of Baptist Mid-Missions located in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Consultation, research, and development of translation helps are some of the main tasks of Dr. Park. The Lord has given her a passion for His Word as well as skills in Biblical languages. She has a thirst for getting Bibles into the hands of people groups who do not yet have them in their own language. |